Sidef recognizes all Unicode mathematical operators and allows the user to define methods that behave like infix operators, even for built-in types.
class Number {
method ⊕(arg) {
self + arg
say (21 ⊕ 42)
Another example of metaprogramming, is the definition of methods at run-time:
var colors = Hash(
'black' => "000",
'red' => "f00",
'green' => "0f0",
'yellow' => "ff0",
'blue' => "00f",
'magenta' => "f0f",
'cyan' => "0ff",
'white' => "fff",
for color,code in colors {
String.def_method("in_#{color}", func (self) {
'<span style="color: #' + code + '">' + self + '</span>'
say "blue".in_blue
say "red".in_red
say "white".in_white
<span style="color: #00f">blue</span>
<span style="color: #f00">red</span>
<span style="color: #fff">white</span>