Rational literals
Rational numbers are built-in, using Math::GMPq, which provides a Perl interface to the mpq
layer in the GMP library.
3/4 # rational value: 3/4
2.5 # parsed and represented in rational form: 5/2
A numerical string can be converted into a rational number by using the Number
Number("0.75") # "0.75" is parsed and stored in rational form as 3/4
Number("fff/aaa", 36) # parse a base-36 fraction as 4095/2730
The Number method as_rat
can be used for getting the rational form of a number:
say 3/4 # 0.75
say as_rat(3/4) # 3/4
say as_rat(1.234, 36) # h5/dw (which is 617/500 in base-10)