Compiler/virtual machine interpreter
Non-standard size of instructions (not byte-coded, 'Datasize' is 3 not 1) required adjusting the jump offsets.
NOTE: I don't think you are allowed to change the jump offsets. They come from another program from another company from another planet from another galaxy.
WIP: discovered 'P5pack' module, this may allow for completing the task properly, using correct offsets
my @CODE = q:to/END/.lines;
Datasize: 3 Strings: 2
"count is: "
0 push 1
5 store [0]
10 fetch [0]
15 push 10
20 lt
21 jz (68) 65 # jump value adjusted
26 push 0
31 prts
32 fetch [0]
37 prti
38 push 1
43 prts
44 fetch [0]
49 push 1
54 add
55 store [0]
60 jmp (-87) 10 # jump value adjusted
65 halt
my (@stack, @strings, @data, $memory);
my $pc = 0;
(@CODE.shift) ~~ /'Datasize:' \s+ (\d+) \s+ 'Strings:' \s+ (\d+)/ or die "bad header";
my $w = $0; # 'wordsize' of op-codes and 'width' of data values
@strings.push: (my $s = @CODE.shift) eq '"\n"' ?? "\n" !! $s.subst(/'"'/, '', :g) for 1..$1;
sub value { substr($memory, ($pc += $w) - $w, $w).trim }
my %ops = (
'no-op' => sub { },
'add' => sub { @stack[*-2] += @stack.pop },
'sub' => sub { @stack[*-2] -= @stack.pop },
'mul' => sub { @stack[*-2] *= @stack.pop },
'div' => sub { @stack[*-2] /= @stack.pop },
'mod' => sub { @stack[*-2] %= @stack.pop },
'neg' => sub { @stack[*-1] = - @stack[*-1] },
'and' => sub { @stack[*-2] &&= @stack[*-1]; @stack.pop },
'or' => sub { @stack[*-2] ||= @stack[*-1]; @stack.pop },
'not' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-1] ?? 0 !! 1 },
'lt' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] < @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'gt' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] > @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'le' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] <= @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'ge' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] >= @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'ne' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] != @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'eq' => sub { @stack[*-1] = @stack[*-2] == @stack.pop ?? 1 !! 0 },
'store' => sub { @data[&value] = @stack.pop },
'fetch' => sub { @stack.push: @data[&value] // 0 },
'push' => sub { @stack.push: value() },
'jmp' => sub { $pc += value() - $w },
'jz' => sub { $pc += @stack.pop ?? $w !! value() - $w },
'prts' => sub { print @strings[@stack.pop] },
'prti' => sub { print @stack.pop },
'prtc' => sub { print chr @stack.pop },
'halt' => sub { exit }
my %op2n = %ops.keys.sort Z=> 0..*;
my %n2op = %op2n.invert;
%n2op{''} = 'no-op';
for @CODE -> $_ {
next unless /\w/;
/^ \s* \d+ \s+ (\w+)/ or die "bad line $_";
$memory ~= %op2n{$0}.fmt("%{$w}d");
/'(' ('-'?\d+) ')' | (\d+) ']'? $/;
$memory ~= $0 ?? $0.fmt("%{$w}d") !! ' ' x $w;
loop {
my $opcode = substr($memory, $pc, $w).trim;
$pc += $w;
%ops{%n2op{ $opcode }}();
count is: 1
count is: 2
count is: 3
count is: 4
count is: 5
count is: 6
count is: 7
count is: 8
count is: 9