Unicode variable names

Perl 6 is written in Unicode so, with narrow restrictions, nearly any Unicode letter can be used in identifiers.

See Perl 6 Synopsis 02. - http://perlcabal.org/syn/S02.html#Names

my  = 1;
say ;

Function and subroutine names can also use Unicode characters: (as can methods, classes, packages, whatever...)

my @ᐁ = (0, 45, 60, 90);

sub π { pi };

sub postfix:<°>($degrees) { $degrees * π / 180 };

for @ᐁ -> $ಠ_ಠ { say sin $ಠ_ಠ° };

sub c͓͈̃͂̋̈̆̽h̥̪͕ͣ͛̊aͨͣ̍͞ơ̱͔̖͖̑̽ș̻̥ͬ̃̈ͩ { 'HE COMES' }

See Also:

Egyptian division