Cycle detection
Pretty much a line for line translation of the Python code on the Wikipedia page.
sub cyclical-function (\x) { (x * x + 1) % 255 };
my ( $l, $s ) = brent( &cyclical-function, 3 );
put join ', ', (3, -> \x { cyclical-function(x) } ... *)[^20], '...';
say "Cycle length $l.";
say "Cycle start index $s.";
say (3, -> \x { cyclical-function(x) } ... *)[$s .. $s + $l - 1];
sub brent (&f, $x0) {
my $power = my $λ = 1;
my $tortoise = $x0;
my $hare = f($x0);
while ($tortoise != $hare) {
if $power == $λ {
$tortoise = $hare;
$power *= 2;
$λ = 0;
$hare = f($hare);
$λ += 1;
my $μ = 0;
$tortoise = $hare = $x0;
$hare = f($hare) for ^$λ;
while ($tortoise != $hare) {
$tortoise = f($tortoise);
$hare = f($hare);
$μ += 1;
return $λ, $μ;
3, 10, 101, 2, 5, 26, 167, 95, 101, 2, 5, 26, 167, 95, 101, 2, 5, 26, 167, 95, ...
Cycle length 6.
Cycle start index 2.
(101 2 5 26 167 95)