Joystick position
Linux only terminal based joystick testing utility. Reads events from the joystick asynchronously, allows a main processing loop if desired. This uses the main loop to check for and compensate for a resized terminal but not really anything else. Hit control-c to exit; needs one extra event from the the joystick to exit completely. Only shows the first 3 axes, no matter how many are available. Tested with an Logitech extreme joystick and an Xbox controller.
use experimental :pack;
# Joysticks generally show up in the /dev/input/ directory as js(n) where n is
# the number assigned by the OS. E.G. /dev/input/js1 . In my particular case:
my $device = '/dev/input/js0';
my $exit = 0;
my $event-stream = $;
my $js = $event-stream.Supply(:8size);
my %config; # joystick configuration: number of axes and buttons
my %event; # global "joystick event"
%config<button>.push: 0;
my $callback = sub { update };
sub get-js-event ( $ev, &callback ) {
exit if $exit;
# 32 bit timestamp milliseconds. Allows easy checking for "double-click" button presses
%event<timestamp> = $ev.subbuf(0, 4).reverse.unpack('N');
# 16 bit (signed int16) value of current control
%event<value> = (my $v = $ev.subbuf(4, 2).unpack('S')) > 32767 ?? -65536 + $v !! $v;
# Two 8 bit integers, current event: control type, and control ID
(%event<type>, %event<number>) = $ev.subbuf(6).unpack('CC');
# Process the event
if %event<type> +& 128 { # initialing
given %event<type> +& 3 { # enumeration of control inputs
when 1 { %config<button>.push: %event<number> }
when 2 { %config<axis>.push: %event<number> }
} else {
# Optional callback subroutine to run every time a js event is received
# read events from the joystick driver asynchronously
start react whenever $js { $js.act: { get-js-event($_, $callback) } }
# allow a short delay while driver initializes
sleep .5;
# clean up on exit
signal(SIGINT).tap: {
print "\e[0m", "\n" xx 50, "\e[H\e[J\e[?25hWaiting for one more joystick event...\n";
$exit = 1;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
my ($rows, $cols) = qx/stty size/.words; # get the terminal size
my $xhair = '╺╋╸';
my $axis = '█';
my @btext = %config<button>.map: { sprintf( "%2d", $_) };
my @button = {color('bold white on_blue ') ~ $_ ~ color('reset')};
my ($x, $y, $z) = ($rows/2).floor, ($cols/2).floor, 0;
sub update {
given %event<type> {
when 1 { # button event
given %event<value> {
when 0 { @button[%event<number>] = color('bold white on_blue ') ~ @btext[%event<number>] ~ color('reset') }
when 1 { @button[%event<number>] = color('bold white on_green') ~ @btext[%event<number>] ~ color('reset') }
when 2 { # axis events
given %event<number> {
when 0 { $y = ($cols / 2 + %event<value> / 32767 * $cols / 2).Int max 1 }
when 1 { $x = ($rows / 2 + %event<value> / 32767 * $rows / 2).Int max 2 }
when 2 { $z = (%event<value> / 32767 * 100).Int }
default { } # only using the first 3 axes, ignore ant others
$x min= $rows - 1;
$y min= $cols - 1;
print "\e[H\e[J\e[1;1H";
print " ", join " ", flat @button, "Axis 0: $x", "Axis 1: $y" , "Axis 2: $z%\n";
my $bar = ($z / 100 * $cols / 2).floor;
if $bar < 0 {
print ' ' x ($bar + $cols / 2).floor, color('bold green') ~ $axis x -$bar ~ color('reset');
} else {
print ' ' x $cols / 2, color('bold green') ~ $axis x $bar ~ color('reset');
print "\e[{$x};{$y}H", color('bold yellow') ~ $xhair ~ color('reset');
print "\e[?25l"; # hide the cursor
update; # initial update
# Main loop, operates independently of the joystick event loop
loop {
once say " Joystick has {%config<axis>.elems} axes and {%config<button>.elems} buttons";
sleep 1;
($rows, $cols) = qx/stty size/.words;