Most straightforwardly:
for 1 .. 100 {
when $_ %% (3 & 5) { say 'FizzBuzz'; }
when $_ %% 3 { say 'Fizz'; }
when $_ %% 5 { say 'Buzz'; }
default { .say; }
Or abusing multi subs:
multi sub fizzbuzz(Int $ where * %% 15) { 'FizzBuzz' }
multi sub fizzbuzz(Int $ where * %% 5) { 'Buzz' }
multi sub fizzbuzz(Int $ where * %% 3) { 'Fizz' }
multi sub fizzbuzz(Int $number ) { $number }
(1 .. 100)».&fizzbuzz.say;
Or abusing list metaoperators:
[1..100].map({[~] ($_%%3, $_%%5) »||» "" Z&& <fizz buzz> or $_ })».say
Concisely (readable):
say 'Fizz' x $_ %% 3 ~ 'Buzz' x $_ %% 5 || $_ for 1 .. 100;
Shortest FizzBuzz to date:
say "Fizz"x$_%%3~"Buzz"x$_%%5||$_ for 1..100
And here's an implementation that never checks for divisibility:
.say for
(flat ('' xx 2, 'Fizz') xx *)
(flat ('' xx 4, 'Buzz') xx *)
1 .. 100;