Find the intersection of a line with a plane

class Line {
    has $.P0; # point
    has $.u⃗;  # ray
class Plane {
    has $.V0; # point
    has $.n⃗;  # normal

sub infix:<∙> ( @a, @b where +@a == +@b ) { [+] @a «*» @b } # dot product

sub line-plane-intersection ($𝑳, $𝑷) {
    my $cos = $��.n⃗ ∙ $��.u⃗; # cosine between normal & ray
    return 'Vectors are orthogonal; no intersection or line within plane'
      if $cos == 0;
    my $�� = $��.P0 «-» $��.V0;      # difference between P0 and V0
    my $S𝐼 = -($��.n⃗ ∙ $��) / $cos;  # line segment where it intersects the plane
    $�� «+» $S𝐼 «*» $��.u⃗ «+» $��.V0; # point where line intersects the plane

say 'Intersection at point: ', line-plane-intersection( :P0(0,0,10), :u⃗(0,-1,-1) ), :V0(0,0, 5), :n⃗(0, 0, 1) )


Intersection at point: (0 -5 5)