Matrix chain multiplication
# Reference:
# "Find the optimal way to multiply a chain of matrices. " was the first tasks at
# "masak's Perl 6 Coding Contest 2010". Here is the task definition
# There are five finalist entries on the task, here are the relevant codes and contest host's comments
# 1)
# 2)
# 3)
# 4)
# 5)
# All entries passed perl6.d -c but during run time only the 3) entry (from moritz) produced the correct results.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
# after
sub matrix-mult-chaining(@dimensions) {
# @cp has a dual function: the upper triangle of the diagonal matrix
# stores the cost (c) for mulplying matrices $i and $j in @cp[$j][$i],
# $j > $i
# the lower triangle stores the path (p) that was used for the lowest cost
# multiplication to get from $i to $j.
# wikipedia this program
# m[i][j] @cp[$j][$i]
# s[i][j] @cp[$i][$j]
# it makes the code harder to read, but hey, it saves memory!
my @cp;
# a matrix never needs to be multiplied with itself,
# so it has cost 0
@cp[$_][$_] = 0 for @dimensions.keys;
my @path;
my $n = @dimensions.end;
for 1 .. $n -> $chain-length {
for 0 .. $n - $chain-length - 1 -> $start {
my $end = $start + $chain-length;
@cp[$end][$start] = Inf; # until we find a better connection
for $start .. $end - 1 -> $step {
my $new-cost = @cp[$step][$start]
+ @cp[$end][$step + 1]
+ [*] @dimensions[$start, $step+1, $end+1];
if $new-cost < @cp[$end][$start] {
# cost
@cp[$end][$start] = $new-cost;
# path
@cp[$start][$end] = $step;
sub find-path(Int $start, Int $end) {
if $start == $end {
take 'A' ~ ($start + 1);
} else {
take '(';
find-path($start, @cp[$start][$end]);
find-path(@cp[$start][$end] + 1, $end);
take ')';
return gather { find-path(0, $n - 1) }.join;
multi MAIN {
my $line = get;
my @dimensions = $line.comb: /\d+/;
if @dimensions < 2 {
say "Input must consist of at least two integers.";
} else {
say matrix-mult-chaining(@dimensions);
multi MAIN ('test') {
use Test;
plan *;
is matrix-mult-chaining(<10 30 5 60>), '((A1A2)A3)', 'wp example';
is matrix-mult-chaining(<10 100 5 50>), '((A1A2)A3)', 'auckland';
# an example verified by
is matrix-mult-chaining(<6 2 5 1 6 3 9 1 25 18>),
'((A1((A2A3)((A4A5)(A6A7))))(A8A9))', 'modoogle';
# done_testing;
1, 5, 25, 30, 100, 70, 2, 1, 100, 250, 1, 1000, 2
1000, 1, 500, 12, 1, 700, 2500, 3, 2, 5, 14, 10