Sunflower fractal
This is not really a fractal. It is more accurately an example of a Fibonacci spiral or Phi-packing.
Or, to be completely accurate: It is a variation of a generative Fermat's spiral using the Vogel model to implement phi-packing. See:
use SVG;
my $seeds = 3000;
my @center = 300, 300;
my $scale = 5;
constant \φ = (3 - 5.sqrt) / 2;
my @c = map {
my ($x, $y) = ($scale * .sqrt) «*« |cis($_ * φ * τ).reals »+« @center;
[ $x.round(.01), $y.round(.01), (.sqrt * $scale / 100).round(.1) ]
}, 1 .. $seeds;
say SVG.serialize(
svg => [
:600width, :600height, :style<stroke:yellow>,
:rect[:width<100%>, :height<100%>, :fill<black>],
| { :circle[:cx(.[0]), :cy(.[1]), :r(.[2])] } ),
See: Phi packing (SVG image)