my %reduced;
my $digits = 2..4;
for $ * - 1 -> $exp {
my $start = sum (0..$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_ + 1) });
my $end = 10**($exp+1) - sum (^$exp).map( { 10 ** $_ * ($exp - $_) } ) - 1;
($start ..^ $end).race(:8degree, :3batch).map: -> $den {
next if $den.contains: '0';
next if $den.comb.unique <= $exp;
for $start ..^ $den -> $num {
next if $num.contains: '0';
next if $num.comb.unique <= $exp;
my $set = ($den.comb.head(* - 1).Set ∩ $num.comb.skip(1).Set);
next if $set.elems < 1;
for $set.keys {
my $ne = $num.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
my $de = $den.trans: $_ => '', :delete;
if $ne / $de == $num / $den {
print "\b" x 40, "$num/$den:$_ => $ne/$de";
%reduced{"$num/$den:$_"} = "$ne/$de";
print "\b" x 40, ' ' x 40, "\b" x 40;
my $digit = $exp +1;
my %d = %reduced.pairs.grep: { .key.chars == ($digit * 2 + 3) };
say "\n({+%d}) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
for 1..9 {
my $cnt = +%d.pairs.grep( *.key.contains: ":$_" );
next unless $cnt;
say " $cnt with removed $_";
say "\n 12 Random (or all, if less) $digit digit reduceable fractions:";
say " {.key.substr(0, $digit * 2 + 1)} => {.value} removed {.key.substr(* - 1)}"
for %d.pairs.pick(12).sort;
(4) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
2 with removed 6
2 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 2 digit reduceable fractions:
16/64 => 1/4 removed 6
19/95 => 1/5 removed 9
26/65 => 2/5 removed 6
49/98 => 4/8 removed 9
(122) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
9 with removed 3
1 with removed 4
6 with removed 5
15 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
15 with removed 8
60 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 3 digit reduceable fractions:
149/298 => 14/28 removed 9
154/352 => 14/32 removed 5
165/264 => 15/24 removed 6
176/275 => 16/25 removed 7
187/286 => 17/26 removed 8
194/291 => 14/21 removed 9
286/385 => 26/35 removed 8
286/682 => 26/62 removed 8
374/572 => 34/52 removed 7
473/572 => 43/52 removed 7
492/984 => 42/84 removed 9
594/693 => 54/63 removed 9
(660) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
14 with removed 1
25 with removed 2
92 with removed 3
14 with removed 4
29 with removed 5
63 with removed 6
16 with removed 7
17 with removed 8
390 with removed 9
12 Random (or all, if less) 4 digit reduceable fractions:
1348/4381 => 148/481 removed 3
1598/3196 => 158/316 removed 9
1783/7132 => 178/712 removed 3
1978/5934 => 178/534 removed 9
2971/5942 => 271/542 removed 9
2974/5948 => 274/548 removed 9
3584/4592 => 384/492 removed 5
3791/5798 => 391/598 removed 7
3968/7936 => 368/736 removed 9
4329/9324 => 429/924 removed 3
4936/9872 => 436/872 removed 9
6327/8325 => 627/825 removed 3