Write float arrays to a text file
sub writedat ( $filename, @x, @y, $x_precision = 3, $y_precision = 5 ) {
my $fh = open $filename, :w;
for @x Z @y -> $x, $y {
$fh.printf: "%.*g\t%.*g\n", $x_precision, $x, $y_precision, $y;
my @x = 1, 2, 3, 1e11;
my @y = @x.map({.sqrt});
writedat( 'sqrt.dat', @x, @y );
File contents
1 1
2 1.4142
3 1.7321
1e+11 3.1623e+05
In Perl 6 Real::base can be used to convert to Str with arbitrary precision and any base you like. Using the hyper-operator >>. let us strip loops, many temporary variables and is a candidate for autothreading.
sub writefloat($filename, @x, @y, :$x-precision = 3, :$y-precision = 5) {
constant TAB = "\t" xx *;
constant NL = "\n" xx *;
open($filename, :w).print(
flat @x>>.base(10, $x-precision) Z TAB Z @y>>.base(10, $y-precision) Z NL);
my @x = 1, 2, 3, 1e11;
writefloat('sqrt.dat', @x, @x>>.sqrt, :y-precision(20));
File contents
1.000 1.00000000000000000000
2.000 1.41421356237309510107
3.000 1.73205080756887719318
100000000000.000 316227.76601683790795505047