Draw a sphere
The C code is modified to output a .pgm file.
my $x = my $y = 255;
$x +|= 1; # must be odd
my @light = normalize([ 3, 2, -5 ]);
my $depth = 255;
sub MAIN ($outfile = 'sphere-perl6.pgm') {
spurt $outfile, "P5\n$x $y\n$depth\n"; # .pgm header
my $out = open( $outfile, :a, :bin ) or die "$!\n";
$out.write( Blob.new(draw_sphere( ($x-1)/2, .9, .2) ) );
sub normalize (@vec) { return @vec »/» ([+] @vec »*« @vec).sqrt }
sub dot (@x, @y) { return -([+] @x »*« @y) max 0 }
sub draw_sphere ( $rad, $k, $ambient ) {
my @pixels;
my $r2 = $rad * $rad;
my @range = -$rad .. $rad;
for flat @range X @range -> $x, $y {
if (my $x2 = $x * $x) + (my $y2 = $y * $y) < $r2 {
my @vector = normalize([$x, $y, ($r2 - $x2 - $y2).sqrt]);
my $intensity = dot(@light, @vector) ** $k + $ambient;
my $pixel = (0 max ($intensity * $depth).Int) min $depth;
else {
return @pixels;